ethics favouritism

ethics favouritism

Favouritism at school
Favouritism is among the most popular topics in educational institutions. Teachers are said to favour certain students over others at school. Favouritism is a problem that has existed in society for many years. Whether it is someone's physical appearance, social class, popularity, wealth, background or reputation, too often people are judged based on these irrelevant factors. Favouritism is something unavoidable that we must learn to accept.

Favouritism can also be called a kind of prejudice with a difference that it is not pre-determined People practise favouritism in education as well at their work. For any human being it is very normal to show preference to one thing over another. The preference might be according to their own set of beliefs. To favour completely one person and let down another just for the reason that you like them is incorrect. The very route of favouritism starts at home. This is when parents favour one child over the other. Putting one child forward and always listening to his demands is not good behaviour. This preference criteria brings in many psychological things in the way of a child’s growth. The one who is always preferred may always consider himself to be superior to the rest expecting the work to be done according to him hating denials. The one who receives lesser attention might attempt self destruction. Favouritism in education makes up for a very unfair system. A student cannot be denied marks for what he/she deserves. This is my personal experience as well. During my school times I was an average student but I was always overlooked and the teacher’s favourite student was always preferred. This finally caused a rift. Personally I like to stay calm even if the teacher acknowledges my work. Constantly being praised every time is also not a good sign in terms that the next assignment from you will be expected something unique. Talking of work again, people who deserve promotions and bonuses are left back...

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