

Are Fast Food Restaurants to blame for the increasing rate of Obesity among children?
Fast Food Restaurants are a quick service restaurants that produce inexpensive food rapidly. The food is loaded with excess fats and unhealthy chemicals that can be harmful. Fast food restaurants have increased over the last few years and are easier to find than ever. There has been a tremendous rise in the number of obese children in the United States. The issue of whether fast food restaurants are to blame for the increasing rate among children has become an issue. This issue is becoming an important concern around the world.
Americans are so busy with their life style that they do not have time to prepare homemade meals for their children. They have taken the easy way of eating out to Fast food Restaurants. Fast food is high in sugar, fat and salt and lower in nutrients that the body should be getting each day. According to “Countering Fast Food’s Health Effects,” fast food is a driving force behind the epidemic of diet-related health conditions, setting kids up for a lifetime of health problems such as obesity. Young children are becoming obese. “Countering Fast Food’s Health Effects,” also states fast food is to blame for the spike in obesity levels and chronic disease around the world.
Those who agree that fast food restaurants are the cause of obesity among children argue that although many children are worthy to make there own choices such as not eating fast food, it has gotten to the point that fast food is very addictive and there are many factors that influence children to eat at these restaurants. They agree that fast food restaurants are the lead of obesity. Since they are easier to reach. Fast food restaurants are constantly advertising and using children as their key to sell all the devastating food. In an article reported by “Top 10 Things Why Fast Foods Are Unhealthy” state that no one in this world has patience to wait for healthy food,...

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