Family Planning summary

Family Planning summary

It could be argued that as a society there is an element of deterioration when you compare the state we are in now to the one we were in about 60 years ago. Each election there are countless issues that come up that need to be focused on and taken care of, and as each election term comes to an end it seems as though there are very few improvements, and even more issues for our nation to become divided on. Each politician has a few key issues that they argue to be the best solution for our society, whether it is better education, more jobs, more equality, an improved economy, etc. Eventually it feels as though we are just hiring an exterminator to chase each individual pest around the house rather than actually destroy the nest, or the root of the problem.
It’s nearly impossible for politicians to actually spearhead a topic because talking about our problems as a society is often complex and takes a great deal of tact, since the major problems in our society are usually caused by people who are in our society, which means placing blame. It also often leads to controversial subjects, and talking about things like socioeconomic status, a race’s culture, and people’s intellectual capacity, which when talked about in a negative way it is of course looked down upon, and would be political suicide for a politician if there was a misstep, or at least there would be votes lost by the hypothetical group that is mentioned. Politicians have a job to keep, and they keep their job by pandering to the people, and keeping as many people as happy as possible for as long as possible, which is not grounds for progress. There is always more talk about how we have a problem, than about how we can fix the problem. We often hear phrases such as “We need to open up a dialogue about…” insert problem. When, typically, that election time they are burning up talking about opening up a dialogue, is the very time they should be using to actually open up a dialogue, and discuss the...

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