Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage

It’s something people have been debating for years now, and yet there has been no clear-cut and overall agreement throughout the United States. Traditionally in this country, marriage has been defined as a religious and legitimate pledge between a man and woman. According to Andrew Sullivan, “Marriage provides the ultimate form of acceptance for, personal, intimate relationships in our society, and gives those who marry an insider status of the most powerful kind” (Same-Sex Marriage 122-123). Homosexual relationships are gradually gaining acceptance in this country, some states have made marriage legal. Support of gay marriage has also been on the rise and something that has helped that is celebrities that have decided to admit their homosexuality. With so much support more and more government officials have come face to face with the debate and have given it a second thought. On the other hand though as much support as there is there also is strong hate for the idea from many religious groups and other groups of people that believe in the purity of marriage. Inequality should not be an issue in the United States and everyone including homosexuals should be allowed to express their love and get married like everyone else.
When it comes to gay marriage it is safe to say that throughout the United States it is a topic that is very debated on. There are plenty of states that believe there is no harm and that decision is come to by vote of the people in that state. Throughout the United States same-sex marriage was banned sometime in the early 2000’s. It was until 2008 that California decided to change things up and became the first state to allow same-sex marriage, although it was only briefly it was a feat that was gladly reached. Then from 2008 to 2013 fourteen states have legalized same sex marriage, some of those states include, Washington D.C., New York and California. Along with those fourteen states there are two states that have no law permitting or...

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