Gen 105 Week 7 Due Day 4

Gen 105 Week 7 Due Day 4

• Used body language in your speech

• Used power-point props

• When used slides make sure you highlight the key words

• Make sure the audience are your main character

• The power-point presentation runs the presentation itself

• Explain the terms and why you having this presentation

The approach to reading the selection text was to be able to repeat the most important information that I have read and was able to repeat it to myself, and know what the text was about in details. I read in a speed that was optimal for me to understand what was the text was about and can understand the text. The text was a long text but I time myself while I was reading the text my reading speed was acceptable. I had to minimize the distrusting by going choose to do my reading in the morning when no one is at home but me the children are in school my wife at work. I read the text in the den. When I start my assignment for class I turn off the ringer on the telephone .I put the dogs outside in the fence had the television turn off it was so quite around me I did get involved because it was an business presentations, but I read the text and like it I learning something new in the text and it was interesting .When I was reading the text I found a lot of purpose about business that I didn’t know. I read the text as fast and quick as possible I didn’t I read it to fast so I can understand what the text was about and the context the information that I got from the text will help me in the future about business

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