Gender Imbalances

Gender Imbalances

the consequences which will result out of skewed sex ratio or with the decrease in the female gender in the world. and i tried to quote the instances of china and india, the new developing nations, where this kind of trend is most prominent. the preference for boy child is very evident in these countries due to ,we may see, many different factors. like lets say in financial terms limited return on investment or being considered as the dowry burden or who-will-carry-the-family-name-ahead issue etc. so due to all this we see a widespread dislike for girl child and which ultimately skews up the whole sex ratio in many parts of the country. now this kinda trend is not limited to these parts of world but present everywhere though on a low level and due to which it generally goes unnoticed. the point i believe is that with the decrease in girls in the world the boys will go astray. compassion, love which are the paragons of motherhood will be lost from the earth and which will result in endless misery and the society will become more brutal. there will be more fights for girls. now this will definitely increase the animal tendencies in the man with no force to rein them. not to mention the biological imbalances that will arise from the decrease in the female forms on earth. well in the end all these factors will contribute to more fights and more wars. and sooner or later we will see some country attacking another country with the intention, of capturing girls and increasing the fertility of their own country. all this will eventually lead to a big war being fought on the surface of earth and which will definitely wipe out every forms of life on earth- and all this will be for one thing-woman. now i dont know how rational are my arguments nor do i have any basis for them, but i tried to paint a very probable picture of what might happen when things go wrong like this.

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