Gender Roles

Gender Roles

Gender Roles
Just what are gender roles? Is it biological or is it cultural? Well, gender roles can be defined as masculinity or femininity. The roles of gender is mainly considered to be cultural than biological. These gender roles are very clear that it is based on how both genders are treated in the past as in early childhood. Traditionally, both genders have different qualities they have to achieve. Men are the ones who should work hard and help support the family; women are to stay home and take care of family matters. As of today, the expectations and rules for men and women are still somewhat different. Although gender roles have become a big issue to many people today, men are considered dominant over women.
From childhood, boys and girls are dependent on how they are brought up. Boys are raised to be aggressive, tough, dominant, and daring, while girls are raised to be passive, emotional, sweet, and subordinate. A boy should be playing with action figures, while girls are supposed to dolls or stuff animals. If a boy plays with a doll, then that wouldn’t be right because it will reflect that boy when he grows older. He might be considered as a tomboy. The boy will not feel right about himself for the rest of his life. Therefore, for girls, there are different kinds of dolls like a Barbie doll which is alright for them. This is because these kinds of dolls require taking care of doll’s hairstyle, change of clothing, stuff like that. For boys, it is all about having toys that can move or
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attack. Well, the main concern for girls is the appearance of the dolls because their appearance will reflect how they look to attract other people, yet for boys their appearance doesn’t really matter. In Fight Club, Marla is obsessed with her beauty. She uses human fat to prevent wrinkles on her face and to make her look younger.
With men being the masculine type, they are considered to be dominant and aggressive. In Fight Club, Tyler Durden shows that...

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