George Washington

George Washington

Speech Outline
Topic: Dangers costs of smoking Cigarettes
Specific Purpose: To give the audience a better understanding of the hazards and costs of
smoking cigarettes.
Central Idea: Cigarettes have harmful effects that affect all aspects of a users life including
physical health, financial wellbeing, and social interactions.
Attention Getter: Light a Cigarette and take a couple puffs.
Topic Introduction: Cigarette smoking is a highly addictive activity with high costs and
provides little to no benefit to the user.
Relate the topic to your audience: For the majority of this audience, it is easy to assume
that you all have multiple family members and close
friends who smoke.
Relate the topic to you as a speaker: As you can see I myself am a smoker, and all of
my friends and the majority of my family members
smoke as well.
Preview your main points: The habit of smoking tobacco causes harsh lung damage, drains you financially, and impacts your everyday social life.
Transition Statement: The most obvious and discussed effect smoking is of course the impact it has on your health.
I. Lung Damage
a. Carcinogens in cigarette smoke
i. Cigarettes contain arsenic, benzene, lead, cadmium, and formaldehyde on top of other.
ii. Each of the chemicals stated have cancer causing properties
b. Impact of lung Cancer
iii. 2011 – 1.5 million people die of lung cancer worldwide. 7th leading cause of death in the world.
iv. Most people in the world can say that tobacco took the life of a loved one.
Transition Statement: Both smokers and non-smokers are effected financially as well, as a result of tobacco use.
II. High prices of smoking
c. Initial cost of purchase
v. A pack of 20 cigarettes costs an average of 5$ nationwide....

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