help her geesh

help her geesh

A model is someone who can come in many shapes, sizes, and different styles. Male models are becoming more popular every year, even though they do not make as much as a female model. Cycle 20 Tyra Banks gave males an equal chance as she has given women. The show produced positive and negative feedback. Throughout the series, it showed the different struggles the female vs. the male
“It a man world “ quote has been tested throughout the modeling business. Women are toppling over men in this industry. The reason behind this is because the men clothing industry takes in roughly 400 billion while the women takes in 680 billion. This causes men to lack in that category, but recently the men industry has been picking up on their numbers resulting in the need for more men models.

Tyra switching her show to coed was one of the greatest things; it helped her and society. Males being incorporated on the show boosted ratings and gave young males the courage to get out there and try. The show helped with the profile that males who model are gay; it proved that that statement is false because not every male on the show was gay.
The show produced positive feedback, as you have seen, as well as negative. People have stated that the show has promoted gayness, anorexia, and obsession with weight. Many people have created blogs about these issues referring back to the show. Tyra Banks even stated that the show shouldn’t be blamed for those kinds of issues and she is just trying to give all a chance. . Many people know that those issues come with the modeling industry and its on how the individual deals with it.

Modeling is a personal choice. The industry of modeling has gravitated towards women more than men. Today, men are becoming heavily populated in the industry now. Tyra Banks saw this change and acted on it, introducing cycle 20 with both men and women. The show has been criticized back and forth, with more pros, than cons. Advancing the show forward...

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