High School: the Danger Zone

High School: the Danger Zone

High school, its full of dangerous things; from the lockers, all the way to the Junkers outside, and I'm not talking about the dairy across the street. Wait, you don't have one? Well maybe that is just Utah.
Now when it comes to high school, no matter where you go, there are a few things that never change in the high school perspective. The first being the cliques; now I don't know if I'm the Only one but i find these cliques very annoying, but very useful. It tells me who I need to stay FAR, far away from; and who it's ok to da- I mean to be acquainted with.
The second, are all the deals that go down at school. I do NOT mean drugs, unfortunately that does sometimes happen; but gum. Gum is a legal high school drug deal; your friend gives you gum and they say "you didn't SEE anything, you didn't HEAR anything, and you sure didn't get it from ME. Seriously though, I mean the deals with your teachers and friends and coaches, about papers, gum, or missing practice. Because high school is difficult. But think about it, the person who graduates high school with a 4.0 their whole career, must've been a genius or had nothing to do outside of school and probably had no drama either. Those are the kids who are planning. Watch out, they might just take over the world.
The third is the drama. No normal person, who still possesses a brain, likes drama. The worst part, is its the same stupid stuff every time. Oh she stole my boyfriend, yada yada, cat fight, you know how it goes. I mean, You think we would learn but clearly, high school kids are not as mature and smart as we previously thought. So much for speech and debate being an advantage right? Looks like we need to do something else, like get jobs! Yea, I know I'm crazy, but I think that's what it takes to make it through high school.
•High school is a monster
•shoving is the most fun

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