How Can Cpr Help Me

How Can Cpr Help Me

How can knowing CPR help me?
CPR stands for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. It is an important skill that I have been informed through my research that everyone for some reason or another should learn.
Knowing CPR can help me in many ways. CPR can empower me too help someone in need. Providing CPR can mean the difference between life and a death for someone who is unconscious. As a parent it can help me with younger children that tend to put small objects into their mouths. That may cause choking. By knowing what to do and how to perform CPR can allow me to act quickly to save a small child’s life within minutes, or even an adult who may be choking unable to help themselves. Situations mat arise where I may come across a family member, close friend, or even a strangers breathing or heart has stopped. Survival time of ten minutes is decreased by 10 percent. Therefore immediate action of CPR is the most effective way to safe them; because an ambulance may not arrive for minutes that are vital to their survival. It can also help me if one person is giving CPR and tires quickly. I can proceed to help. Two people can provide CPR longer than a person working alone.
CPR can give me an advantage in employment of some jobs. Many jobs today require it. Such as personal trainers, camp counselors, teachers, lifeguards, child-care workers, baby-sitters, and last but not least it is the base for the field I have chosen EKG/EPT Tech. It may give me an edge over other applicants applying for the job tittle.
Having CPR training and getting the certification helps me to be prepared to give someone else CPR instruction to help sustain a life if I am injured or unable to perform CPR in any emergency that may arise; including my own life.

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