Human Relations

Human Relations

In this text we can find different aspects of the importance of Human Relations on different environments.
In first place Human Relations Theory explain different characteristics and aspects of this ,dividing two important parts ; “illumination experiment” and the “bank wiring room experiment”. This two parts explain perfectly the importance of the human factor according Nikolas Rose. Moreover, the text try to explain the relationship between scientific management and Human Relations Theory putting a good example with “Dave” and “Val”.
Anyway this relationship has a question on the text :
Why, does the received version of human relations theory fight shy of acknowledging its commonality with scientific management ?
The answer basically consists in two factors : straightforward and relates to some specific difficulties faced by management as an occupation the other one has a relation with the idea of “humanism”. With the regard of the concept of What means to be human, the text describe the social and religious point of view, and give it a very big importance, because, this concept, is very important to explain the HRT.
For example that under scientific management systems –as say at text- it might be possible to say that your real self was what lay outside work : your family ,the pub, whatever, but human relations say that this distinction is false.

Finally of all this aspects ,is interesting add that the idea of management and occupation is based on a long development of this last four decades, and is necessary to understand how was. However he try to explain the definition of managmente and give details about what means.
There is no straightforward answer to that question, and the problem is not one of definition. It is not that there is some 'thing' - management - to be described and, in being described, delineated from all sorts of other 'things'. Then , he links this concept with manager concept and explain the refaded with management....

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