Human Rights

Human Rights

Geopolitics and International Relations- The Actual Situation in Syria

Human rights are rights based on the principle of respect to all human beings, without discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, sex, or ethnic origin, religion, language, status or any other feature. We are all equally entitled to our rights as human beings. These universal human rights are expressed and guaranteed by the law. In preserving these human rights, countries have signed treaties under the International customary law; this law lays down obligations of governments on how to act in certain ways to refrain from violating human rights. There are international bodies formed to protect human rights like the United Nations Security Council. These human rights were drafted after the Second World War to prevent further genocide as it was observed in Japan (Donnelly 2003).
Julian a writer refers to human rights as certain moral theories over others and even though she criticizes some at the end of the session. She criticizes moral positions which remain given preferential treatment. This indicates that there is some kind of bias in the application of some human rights. The writer recommends honesty and fairness in assessment of ethical systems and human rights. The writer also states on the need to observe human rights with some ethics and dignity.
Human health and privacy are part of the human rights which have recognition worldwide. These Rights can have alteration, for example, when one’s rights conflict with one another. In the case of HIV Aids, there is a conflict of rights. Some nations and cities have come up with ‘partner notification laws’ whereby healthcare personnel remain provided with legal obligation to tell their sex partners about their HIV status. In order to ensure that this rule remains operational, healthcare departments require healthcare providers to report those found to have the HIV virus to the relevant...

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