Is the Death Penalty Needed

Is the Death Penalty Needed

Kevin Paris
10 September 2013

The death penalty was used as the ultimate punishment in the American courts, but is it necessary now? The death sentence is used when the offender killed another person with undisputed evidence. The death penalty was used more often during the early years of the United States as a way to scare others into not taking anothers life. Even with all the modern technology we have today the death penalty is still hindered by a few factors. The death penalty should be used less because of the murder rates are slowly dropping, Prejudice against the defendants, and the costs of the death sentence.
A reason to stop the death sentencing is because the murder rates are slowly declining. In the west region of the United States the murder rate was 5.6 murders in 2006 then dropped to 5.3 murders in 2007. In the Northeast region of the United States the murder rates were 4.5 murders per every 1000,000 in 2006 and dropped to 4.1 per 100,000 in 2007. The Murder rates are slowly dropping meaning a decreased need for the death penalty. Another reason for not using the death penalty is because it isn't a punishment for the convicted.
Killing for killing isnt a way to punish someone. Is having ur punishment ended the way to make things better. It isnt a punishment to kill someone. Having someone who killed another sit for years in prison is a much worse punshiment. Being killed means you arent here to think about what you have done or the sins you have commited. Does killing a murderer justify things? Is their life worth less than another? It is more or less an easy way out. There is also a chance of prejudice in the court room.
The death penalty shouldn’t be used because the jury and the judge could be prejudiced against the defendant and give an unfair verdict. In most cases a court is more likely to find a minority guilty over another person. The death penalty is a major decision in a court case, having a prejudice against the...

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