it security

it security

Lab 1 Report
John Smith
Liberty University
Overview of Computer Security
CSCI 501
Mr. Jason Dion
January 25, 2015
Lab 1 Report and Challenge Questions

Lab 1.4
Generally describe the value of having computers networked.

Your answer goes here

Lab 1.7
Describe the steps involved in a TCP handshake and some key differences between TCP and UDP, particularly with regard to speed, overhead, and reliability.

Your answer goes here

Lab 1.10
Explain the concept of a connection port and the difference between an open port and a closed port.

Your answer goes here

Lab 2.5
Make a screen capture showing the IP address

Your screenshot goes here. Either highlight the IP Address or type it in under your screenshot.

Lab 2.14
Describe the differences between the Ping scan and the Quick scan results. Also, note what operating system (OS) is suspected for the host.

Your answer goes here

Lab 2.17
Make a screen capture showing the ports and services that were discovered for the host.

Your screenshot goes here

Lab 2.18
Make a screen capture showing which OS was positively identified for the host.

Your screenshot goes here, highlight the OS or type it in under your screenshot

Lab 2.19
Make a screen capture showing the exact version of the Web service running for the host.

Your screenshot goes here, highlight the version or type it in under your screenshot

Lab 3.5
Make a screen capture showing the saved scans on the desktop

Your answer goes here, ensure I can see the files saved to the desktop

CQ 4.1
There are two other subnets in this lab environment. Minimize the Student Kali machine to return to the lab topology. Open a machine from one of the other networks in this lab and determine the subnet address. Do the same for the third subnet. Document your steps and the subnet addresses.

Your answer goes here, ensure to document your steps...

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