Life in the Trenches (Letter)

Life in the Trenches (Letter)

Dearest family,
I miss you all very much, and look forward to seeing you all in the near future ! I just wanted to inform you that i am doing well and am fairly healthy considering these terrible living conditions. First of all theres this awful, retched smell of decomposing bodies, mud and disease that just fills the air. Most of the soldiers that have been there for a while say that you slowly get used to it, but to me it's almost unbearable. I have also had to shave my head and the rest of my body hair to reduce the risk of contracting any lice or bacterial infections. But the worst of it all is probably the lack of sleep and
Although you may think i am in this glorified place, in reality this is hell on earth. The terrible things that i have seen and been apart of really makes me think why are people so cruel ? But then again i cannot leave because i am fighting for my country. And is that not what they wanted us to do ? Sometimes i wonder if this will ever stop and I pray everyday that someone will just surrender and this war we call it, will soon be over and i will resume my old life. Just thinking about it makes me miss my warm bed and that home cooked food of yours that i love so dearly. The food here is something else and very limited, since i am fairly new here i do not get treated so well during dinner time. I do not get fed as often as i would like and the food is always cold or either dry. Nothing like the home cooked food that i have been craving for. Everytime that thought comes into my head i just want to pick up everything and leave at once. To add, i never thought the bombings and gun shots would ever impact me, as a little boy i used to find that stuff really fasciating and now it makes me go insane. Some times i cry at night, but there is no one to comfort me except for cold wet groud where only the panks keep us dry and that is on a good day. i remeber one of my fellows got trench foot it was an aweful sight; he even had to get his leg...

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