


it was 5th period it was an aday in pre cal we were sitting there and all of sudden its pouring rain and im thinking what in the world there was no rain in forcast today then i rember that i left my car windows down .im sitting there waiting for mr osteen to fisnh his lesson of the day and as soon as he was done i turned to hailey and told her that my windows where down and she offter to roll them up for me so im not socking wet going to english class. so we waited for 2:40 and in the meantime these guys where sitting by the window when a big flash of lighting and thunder hit and they jump and fell out of there seat while everyone was laughing about it. it was pretty funny we even got it on snapcaht lol . after all the laughing died down mr osteen told me it was 2:40 and that hailey could go roll up my windows so she did and as soon as she steepped outside it looked like the rain was sweeping her away it was funny but she came back 5 mintunes later telling me that they where rolled up and i gave her a huge hug and said thank you . thn we whent back to class to wait for the bell to ring and while we were up on the elvator she turns around and her panits were so soak that when she had walked they ripped at the seam . i was laughing so hard i fogot to get off the elvator . so you could say it was a very intresting day .

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