The family members of this young man now have to live in sorrow for the narrow minded actions of a loved one. Respect is one of those to receive you must give packages if McCandless is asking for respect from his family he could have at least shown the respect of sending his family members some mail even a letter about his ware a bouts. McCandless as an individual on the other hand can be looked as a confusing individual he has a sense of adventure that can not be figured out. McCandless should be looked at idiotic and dangerous not only to himself but dangerous to the people he encounters as well. The simple fact is that he brought this upon himself no one forced him to go out and try to live in a life of absolute solitude. McCandless has also shown no concern for his family nor the feelings of his parents who if are even half normal and decent human beings are probably worried sick about their son"tms welfare. McCandless put himself in a situation where the chance of living was slim to none and the chance of death is a frightening reality. McCandless although an educated man has clearly shown actions of adolescence. McCandless shows this lack of concern for other people by simple statements such as when he was asked if his parents knew of his plans he replied with "no nobody knows of my plans in fact I haven"tmt spoken to my family in nearly two years. No one has ever said you have to love everyone in your family this is true however out of common courtesy you should show them respect. The case of McCandless could be looked at in many ways. ch is not only dangerous it is illegal. He has shown a clear level of immaturity. It is believed that McCandless has been searching for a sense of solitude.