Dirt Bikes
1. Which are the better and worse products of the business? Which is the the proportion of the international sales with them you domesticate? The sales have grown relatively with those of I Domesticate?
Dirt Bikes does not have bad products. Dirt Bikes does not spare in obtaining better pieces to manufacture its teams, the clients prefer the models I Harden 550 that represent a 45,3% of the sales and a less favorable for the model motorcycle 450 that is to say a 7,4% of sales. The international sales had a relative increment upon I Domesticating for the years 2001 to the 2002 with a 21% of increment for international vs a 19,6 for domesticos. In the following years were not equals, since for the year 2001-2002 he had an increment of 42% vs 20,6% of I domesticate, 2002-2003 obtained a 2,4% vs 7,7% I domesticate and for the year 2003 and 2004 obtained a 14% vs 4% I domesticate.
2. The incomes or sales have grown significantly? And if is thus, ¿why percent? Which is the comparison of the incomes with the cost of goods sold? They are decreasing or increased? The operational expenses are in increase or diminishing? The business is dumergida in debts? It has assets to pay the expenses and to finance a new product in development including systems of information?
In the state of situation of the business Dirt Bikes for the year 2002 to 2003 represents an increase for sale of a 4.12%, for the year 2003 to 2004 to have lost of a (9.54%). The net profits of the business for 2002-2003 there is a loss of a (20.95%) and a dramatic one (119.75%) in loss for the 2003-2004. The operational expenses are in increase for the year 2002-2003, this increase is of a 19%, while for the years 2003-2004 the increase in the operational expense was of a 5%. Dirt Bikes has that deter its expenses although still has assets to pay its responsibilities to the year 2004 that reflects a loss of annual liquidity of 8% for the years 2002-2003y 2004 that...