Mastering a Skill - Able to Use a Computer

Mastering a Skill - Able to Use a Computer

{draw:fra Learning Computer Skills In today’s world people need computer skills to reap the benefits of modern technology. Some people do not know benefits because they do not want to learn or think it is of no use to them. Most businesses use computers today. While some people find learning computers difficult, all people should have these skills. The most important reason all people should have these skills is because in today’s world everything is computer oriented. Years ago when computers started coming on the market in a reasonable size and price tag I purchased one. I started learning then, but a lot of people ask what the purpose was because to them it was a toy to play games on so it had only recreational value. In the long run of things I got a head start. People look back and say why I waited to start learning. It becomes more apparent everyday to people that these skills are needed. Computers are used on a daily basis in most businesses. Most employees would not know how to do without a computer. When I started in the cotton ginning industry everything was hand written and over the course of a ginning season and thousands of bales of cotton it took weeks of work to keep it sorted and inventoried. Today with computers it takes days and hours to do the same job. Computers have advanced in memory and speed at a pace that sometimes is hard to comprehend. The more this technology expands the needs that go with it increase also. With everything changing over to computers people are starting to realize with the lack of these skills they have to rely on some one else to do it for them. With banking, pharmacies, clinics, doctor’s offices and a wide variety of other things going computer this should motivate people to want to learn these skills. Education is also changing over to computers. Because of this I see opportunity for me to increase my education whereas I would not have been able to. In the...

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