MATH 221 Week 2 iLab
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Statistics for Decision Making
Statistical Concepts that you will learn after completing this iLab:
• Using Excel for Statistics
• Graphics
• Shapes of Distributions
• Descriptive Statistics
• Empirical Rule
Week 2 iLab Instructions-BEGIN
Ø Data have already been formatted and entered into an Excel worksheet.
Ø Obtain the data file for this lab from your instructor.
Ø The names of each variable from the survey are in the first row of the Worksheet. This row has a background color of gray to identify it as the variable names. All other rows of the Worksheet represent a certain students’ answers to the survey questions. Therefore, the rows are called observations and the columns are called variables. On page 6 of this lab, you will find a code sheet that identifies the correspondence between the variable names and the survey questions.
Ø Follow the directions below and then paste the graphs from Excel in the grey areas for question 1 through 3. Type your answers to questions 4 through 11 where noted in the grey areas. When asked for explanations, please give thorough, multi-sentence or paragraph length explanations.
Ø PLEASE NOTE that various versions of Excel may have slightly different formula commands. For example, some versions use =STDEV.S while other versions would use =STDEVS (without the dot before the last “S”).
Ø The completed iLab Word Document with your responses to the 11 questions will be the ONE and only document submitted to the dropbox. When saving and submitting the document, you are required to use the following format: Last Name_ First Name_Week2iLab.
Week 2 iLab Instructions-END
Creating Graphs
1. Create a piechart for the variable Car Color: Select the column with the Car variable, including the title of Car Color. Click onInsert, and thenRecommended Charts. It should show a clustered column...