Muddy Encounter

Muddy Encounter

Muddy Encounter

How many of you know in advance what you are going to do on a holiday? What about a holiday when it’s cold outside? Halloween of 2008 was a unique experience for me because all the different things that happened that night. It all started when I got off work at Best Buy and headed to my girlfriend Sara’s house. As I got there I sat down and started to think of things that we could do. After about an hour went by, we finally decided to go out to her brother’s friend’s house where they were having a huge party.
As we got in the car and started to drive out there I had a feeling we were going to get lost. It was pitch black out and it was on an old dirt road in the country. After driving back and forth on the main street, we decided to pull over and call Jamie; who is Sara’s brother (Justin’s) girlfriend. We waited at the gas station for about 10 minutes until she met up with us. We then followed her to the house because there was no way we would have been able to find the house on our own.
Once we pulled up to the large farm house, there were barely any places to park because there were so many cars. Once we finally parked, I got out of the car only to see a huge glow of yellow and orange through the trees. I asked “What is that?” And as I came through the trees I noticed that the fire was extremely high and wide flame from the fire they had started. I have never seen such a large fire like this before. We could feel the heat coming off of it from 50+ feet away. I also noticed that there were about 7 very large trucks parked in the yard close to the fire.
We continued to look around and saw that there were a bunch of ATV’s, motorbikes, and mini ATV’s all over the yard. The guys that were driving these things were crazy. I couldn’t believe how fast they were going with so many people nearby. We decided to just relax by the fire for a little bit, but after a few minutes I started to get hungry. We went into the house to warm up some brats,...

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