Digital Signature is a technique used for validation and authentication of a software, digital document and electronic message. Also, digital signatures are used to approve and certify the content mentioned in digital documents like as e-mails, word documents and PDF’s. Digital signature relies on decryption and encryption technologies. Encryption is the method of encoding the information or messages that can only be read by authorized parties and Decryption is the method of converting the encrypted data back to its unencrypted form. Digital signature comprises of digital ID that consist a public key and a private key. In the digital document, the public key is issued along the file and private key works as digital signature. The public key has the encrypted code that validates the uniqueness and tracks alterations relating to the document.
Reduced cost of business operational, enhanced security & control and superior customer experience are the major drivers for the growth of global digital signature market. Government paperwork elimination act, improved security & control and growing use of digital signature to eliminate fraud are some of the other factors propelling the market growth. Increased forgery, financial transaction worldwide and easy process of software distribution has created a need of digital signature technology. It helps the sender to prove the authenticity of the digital document. Contracts, policies, records, patient consents, cash management, court documents and claims are some of the document that requires an authentic verification of digital documents hence, the necessity for such verification is boosting the global demand for digital signature. Development of ecommerce in the developing economies, digital transformation and use of cloud-based security solutions are some of the expected opportunities prevailing in the global market. However, complications in the validation and implementation of digital entities and lack of trust are some...