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Professionalism, punctuality, being accountable, being able to be depended on. Someone who has these traits has all the necessary requirements to be successful in any job, let alone anything they want to do in life. Without these skills, not only will the job never get done, but you will lose valuable experience and learning opportunities that you may never get again. In school, I was taught that perfect practice makes perfect. Most people know the phrase, “Practice makes perfect,” However, how can practice without discipline, or being punctual, or even showing up at the right place, help the team as a whole? In all honesty it does not. I am going to relate being on time being at the right place and having the right uniform Any equipment the ideals that Vince Lombardi Taught his team, “perfect practice makes perfect.” then I am going to relate this all to how this affects one of the biggest teams in the world the army.
A punctual person always shows up on time. Don't waste the time of others at your job. You are an essential part of your occupations working machine. Without you things can't function according to the plan. Just make life easier for you and your peers. Being late and selfish, improves to others that you are on reliable. If you cannot even be on time how are you supposed to run a leadership position or even be trusted to do the rest of your everyday tasks? Be on time is the beginning to success and is an essential part of the workplace.
the book Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu uses time to impress a group of warlords to gain favor for his Lord Liu Bei. Liu Bei has been debating with the warlords to let him help with a plan to defeat the tyrant Dong Zhuo . as they were having this meeting they were attacked by Dong Zhuo's forces. In the ranks was a man by the name of a Hua Xiong. He stirred 210 centimeters tall, 6 foot 11 inches, and it was a renowned martial artists. he asked if there was a man brave enough to challenge him in a...

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