Person Waiting to Be Served

Person Waiting to Be Served

Patiently waiting for his order (Very sad short story) | |
|  Author: [pic] 56297  Category:(Discussion) Created:(3/31/2006 6:42:00 AM) |
|This post has been Viewed (1156 times) |
|“Your making mountains out of molehills,” I thought to myself angrily as I entered the small restaurant. The sweet aroma of |
|sausage, eggs, and bacon assaulted my senses as I sat down ready for the waitress to take my order. “I’ll take the breakfast |
|special,” I said in a melancholy tone. “Coming right up,” replied the waitress who seemed to sense my negative attitude. Sure, my|
|problems weren’t as large as some of the problems other people encountered, but at the time I didn’t care. I felt wronged and I |
|blamed everyone but me for my problems. In my mind my teachers were the cause of my low grades, my parents the cause of my |
|reckless behavior, and my friends the cause for my angry mood. I was the victim they were the enemy. |
| |
|I stared quietly at the table, almost as if I was in a trance until suddenly I heard the small bell at the top of the door ring |
|as someone entered the restaurant. I don’t know what compelled me to look up at who entered the restaurant, because usually I |
|couldn’t care less. But once I looked up I was shocked, the man that entered the restaurant was not the rushed businessman or |
|high school student I would usually see here. No, this man was clothed in nothing but a raggedy brown winter jacked with holes in|
|it, stained and ripped pants, gloves that appeared as though they had been attacked by hungry moths, and a bonnet that looked as |
|if it had been found in a puddle....

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