Peru Demographics

Peru Demographics

English II/Travel
Fall 2009
Peru Demographics
Peru is a fairly small country compared to the United States. Peru is about seven times smaller than the United States in area according to a 2007 census. Peru is located in South America right of the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Peru is located just south of Ecuador and just north of Chile. In 2008 Peru had 28,534,000 people living in its lands. Out of all those people about 49.7 percent of them were males and the other 50.3 percent were females.
Even though we know of this country as Peru, its official name is República del Perú or Republic of Peru. They have a unitary multiparty republic with only one legislative house. The head of their government is a President that is assisted by the Prime Minister. The official language in Peru is Spanish but there are also 2 many local language spoken one being Quechua and the other being Aymara. To buy anything in Peru you would need to have Nuevo sol which is their money. One U.S dollar is equally to about 2.97 nuevo sol. The official religion of this country is Roman Catholicism. Peruvians are very religious people. As of 2005, 85 percent of the population was Roman Catholic, which is practiced weekly. The next closest religious group in Peru would be the Protestant which are a measly 7 percent of the population.
The life expectancy is about 68 years for males and about 72 for females. That is a pretty high number since this country is and has faced its share of poverty and diseases. The biggest cause of death in Peru is diseases to the circulatory system and very close to that would be cancer.
In 2006 Peru imported about 15,312,000,000 U.S. dollars in trade. Included in these trades were items such as machinery, chemicals, food, and fabricated metal. In 2006 the United States was Peru’s leading import with 16.4 percent of their imports coming from the U.S. In 2006, Peru exported about 23,765,000,000 U.S. dollars worth of exports. Some of the...

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