Planning and Designing a Career Education Programme

Planning and Designing a Career Education Programme

Evidence an understanding of the contemporary national policy agenda in respect of CEG.

The main drivers of CEG in the last 10 years are:

1997 Education Act which set out statutory CEG requirement for years 9, 10 and 11 which meant that all pupils had statutory access to CEG and formalised the relationship between schools and colleges and careers service companies.

2002 14-19 Green Paper which increased the need for CEG as choices were widened for pupils also the role of the Connexions personal advisor was highlighted.

2003 National CEG Framework set out good practice for designing and delivering a CEG programme for 11-19 year olds which was also recognised by OfSTED.

2004 Children’s Act “Every Child Matters” which had the 5 aims of making sure all children were, healthy, safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and could achieve economic well-being. This had a major impact on the focus of services delivered by Connexions.

2005 Youth Matters Green Paper and 2006 Youth Matters: Next Steps which has a strong relevance to the provision and organisation of information, advice and guidance. Had implications on LEA’s and Connexions service for the way CEG was procured, delivered and the accountability.

2007 National Quality Standard for information, advice and guidance for young people which indicates the possibility of a national quality standard for CEG. Terminology indicative of “joined up” delivery of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance, CEIAG which will have implication for everyone involved in delivery.

1) Critically appraise you own organisation’s CEG policy in relation to CEG ideology nationally.

CEG ideology nationally is to provide young people with the skills and knowledge to enable them to make Well Informed Realistic Decisions (WIRD) about their career path. To do this young people need to be engaged and have a positive...

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