Quantitative Reasoning for Business Course

Quantitative Reasoning for Business Course

As part of the master’s program, my fellow students and I are required to take a Quantitative Reasoning for Business course. This class provides the core skills that I will need for interpreting data and how to apply those concepts in economics, accounting, statistics, and research. It will give me better tools to interpret information, which will help me answer the questions and make better decisions to the issues that I will encounter in my professional life.
The Quantitative Reasoning for Business course compresses a wide variety of mathematical teachings and some software application teachings. This class covers information from algebra to trigonometry. This class also covers entering the information into Excel to create graphical representations of the information. This provides a refresher of required information for students in which all of the information is pertinent. It is definitely one class where I will not say, “When am I ever going to use this?” This course focuses on the key concepts that are necessary to succeed in the future economic, accounting, research and statistical classes that will follow in the Master’s of Business Administration Program.
While the classes of economics, accounting, research and statistics teach the concepts for those classes directly. The Quantitative Reasoning for Business course teaches students how to interpret and use the information for the purpose at hand. This class, according to the Quantitative Reasoning for Business document (University of Phoenix, 2008), is designed to “to help you support your development of analytical skills as a manager and apply the tools necessary to make business decisions.” Having numbers, statistics, and figures alone cannot always give you a clear picture of a problem or a solution. Knowing that two plus two equals four is good, but understanding what the four represents and how to apply that knowledge is also important.
The Quantitative Reasoning for Business course...

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