romero mandela

romero mandela

Was Romero successful in helping the poor? Yes, he gave them hope and strength, he was truly a leader

What Catholic Social Justice Principles are shown in his life?
Human dignity
Promotion of Peace
Dignity of work and rights of works
Community and the Common Good

What does this show about the role of religion in overcoming social injustice?
Teaching justice and giving leadership

NELSON MANDELA → “Political Saint”
-Worked with enemy to become partner
imprisioned for 27 years
When released, wasn’t bitter

Was Romero successful in helping the poor? Yes, he gave them hope and strength, he was truly a leader

What Catholic Social Justice Principles are shown in his life?
Human dignity
Promotion of Peace
Dignity of work and rights of works
Community and the Common Good

What does this show about the role of religion in overcoming social injustice?
Teaching justice and giving leadership

NELSON MANDELA → “Political Saint”
-Worked with enemy to become partner
imprisioned for 27 years
When released, wasn’t bitter
Was Romero successful in helping the poor? Yes, he gave them hope and strength, he was truly a leader

What Catholic Social Justice Principles are shown in his life?
Human dignity
Promotion of Peace
Dignity of work and rights of works
Community and the Common Good

What does this show about the role of religion in overcoming social injustice?
Teaching justice and giving leadership

NELSON MANDELA → “Political Saint”
-Worked with enemy to become partner
imprisioned for 27 years
When released, wasn’t bitter

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