

History of Rwanda

Our group did a research on Rwanda; it is located in central Africa, east of Democratic Republic of the Congo. In doing researching about this country I‘ve decided that I will always think of Hutus and Tutsis when the term Rwanda comes to mind. You might ask why? Well imagine white Americans killing all the minority tribes, this would include children, mothers and elders, all because they look different from them, different eyes, nose, hair, and color.

Rwanda is surrounded by Tanzania, Uganda and Burundi and Congo. The Hutus are believed to have came from those surrounding countries and the Tutsi where believed to have come from Ethiopia, specifically a group called Oromo. There are three different tribes in Rwanda one is Twa, the original inhabitants and then outnumbered by the Hutus. Tutsis migrated into the area, gaining dominance over the Hutus tribe and establishing several states. The war Before European occupation, the kingdom of Rwanda was a somewhat flexible hierarchy with a Tutsi king dominating the majority Hutu farmers and small Tutsi underclass, although social mobility and intermarriage obscure the distinctions between the groups. Twas were at the very bottom of the social order. Both the Germans and the Belgians retained the monarchy administer the colony. This arrangement gave the Tutsi access to power and economic resources and intensified ethnic and class divisions. Tutsi ruled state occupied most of present day Rwanda. Rwanda was absorbed into German East Africa in the late 1800s. Than Belgium occupied the area in the early 1900s and controlled what are now Rwanda and Burundi until Rwanda gained its independence. Few years before the independence though, thousands of Tutsi tribe where killed after the overthrown of the Tutsi king, after the killing, the Tutsis decided to immigrate to the surrounding countries and form a rebel group to start a civil war in 1990. The war along with several political and economic...

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