Seize the Moment

Seize the Moment

Laws Of Life
If anyone asked you what is the last thing you would like to do before you died; what would you say. Some odd years from now when I am asked that question, I hope to say nothing. “I did it all“. So many people go through a lifetime saying, “if only I had said how I fell” or “if only I did it that way”. When I look back on my life I want to never say “if only”. I believe that everyone should live there life to the fullest. Say what you want and do what you believe. Someone once said “if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything”. That is why my sole Law of Life is “Carpe Diem” which means seize the day. A Law of Life is like a code that a person follows. It could be to live life to the fullest, or the law of chivalry. I think that I have always tried to seize the day. It is something that my Uncle Anthony
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has instilled in me since I was young. He died young and I always feel like he didn’t do
everything he wanted to do or everything he could have done. If my uncle were here now I know that he would encourage me and push me to what ever I am doing.
My Uncle Anthony passed away from pneumonia when I was young . “Carpe Diem” is a Law of Life for me, because it is just that. My Law of Life is “Carpe Diem” because
I know I am destined for great things. That is why I try to live my life to the fullest now. I know now that you can not put it off till tomorrow because tomorrow may never come. The one trait I adopted from him though is to never give up. When I was younger I remember telling him that I wanted to play basketball. Out of my four uncles I was the closest to him. The last memory of him I have is of telling me to go for it. Now I know with the passing of my uncle
tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Common topics in this essay:
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