Smoking While Pregnant

Smoking While Pregnant

What is a healthy community? Well the definition for the word healthy is having good health; resulting or showing of good health. (Webster 299) The definition for community is any group living together in the same area; the general public sharing an interest together. (Webster 134) So a healthy community should generally have the definition of a group of people in good health, sharing interest and living together. My definition of a healthy community is a little different. A healthy community should be rich in three important qualities; Safety, Education, and Diversity. These three qualities make a community not only healthy but absolutely the very best.
Safety is a main factor in a community when one looks at its list of characteristics. Everyone wants to live in a safe and supportitive community. That’s why is important for a community to have specific safety procedures. For an example a great police force actively involved within the community is a great safety aspect. Some communities even have programs such as The Neighborhood Watch. This is where all people are closely connected and inform one another of any suspicious or out of the order activity taking place around the neighborhood. A community that says in contact with one another and works together to keep their area safe is a great example of a healthy community.
Education is another very important quality for a healthy community to consist of. Since education is starting point for everyone to better themselves. A well educated group will go far; this is why it is important for a community to be able to provide a great education system. Schools and universities are usually the first sources of knowledge. So great school systems should be in place throughout the community. A good education forms into a talent of excellent networking. Networking is an excellent quality to obtain. Networking allows a community to widen the circle of people that they can rely on in a time of need. This is only one...

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