Reaction Paper
(Sport Fest “St. John’s Cup”)

In this event you will think that in every individual person who live in this world have the rights to show their talent or ability that they possess. And each of everyone are need to be physically fit to avoid the different illness that can affect your life to be weak. To be one of the player or athlete in the one you will do something good for your health and avoid the bad things to your life to easily you do what you ever desire in every sport you will join.
And this sports event, every student will have the privilege to show to other people what talent they have. Also to showcase what a sports they really want to. In Sports event this event is enjoyable because everyone can join and have a privilege to know what sports they really fit in. We could say that this Event is helpful to us and can fulfill our satisfaction because we are enjoying what we play. And also it can help to us to be more competitive and more courage to do. Self-confidence and Sportsmanship is being used in this event. I Think every participant are having their Sportsmanship attitude because they know what are the real play is. Also I think every team of St. John’s Cup are happy in the information they heard or saw because we are the only school that the Sport Fest is in 1 year will be held.
So we should participate on it and take advantage on it because you will know what you really good at and fit on it. Because each in every human have their talent that they possess so they can practice and practice to be successful in sports they belong. Sportsmanship, it makes a good athlete great.

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