

“Supernatural”-d journey of d Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester,is not only their saga as they enter and battle the world of supernatural, but a voyage into the good and evil of their own souls as well.
In the 8 seasons, they fight demons,shape-shifters,spirits etc. They prevent the apocalypse, save the world from leviathans and while doing so, often encounter their inner dilemmas as to what is right and what is wrong and face their personal fears. D ‘hunters’, as they are known, learn the value of human bonds, the importance of self-sacrifice and above all, the fact that nothing is totally good or evil.
D stars of the show are Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki as Dean and Sam Winchester, respectively. Jensen, with his chiselled good looks and superb acting skills is the favourite of many as the protective older brother. But it is Jared as the sweet and sensitive younger Winchester brother who has stolen numerous female hearts. The charisma of the droolworthy duo can be safely billed as the most important reason for which the viewers tune in to every episode eagerly.
The Saltgunners or the fans of Supernatural majorly bill the 5th season as the best in the series. The female fans are divided into Sam fans, Dean fans and bibro, meaning having equal devotion for both the brothers. All in all, it can be safely said that the series with its good scripting, great direction and capable acting talents has today become a small-screen phenomenon and deservingly so. “Supernatural”-d journey of d Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester,is not only their saga as they enter and battle the world of supernatural, but a voyage into the good and evil of their own souls as well.
In the 8 seasons, they fight demons,shape-shifters,spirits etc. They prevent the apocalypse, save the world from leviathans and while doing so, often encounter their inner dilemmas as to what is right and what is wrong and face their personal fears. D ‘hunters’, as they are known,...

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