Success by Popularity

Success by Popularity

DJ Revell
English G–3
Success Essay

Success by Popularity

People wonder how to be successful at being popular in high school. This question has been going on throughout the years of high school. To be successful at being popular in high school there are certain traits that need to be attained. These traits are: being social, having a good personality, and having style mixed with some good hygiene. All of these things together will assure popular success in high school.
Being social is a major trait needed to be successful in high school. To attain this trait public speaking is a necessity. Being able to go up to people and start conversation is a must. This comes in handy when he/she starts a new class and it has people that they do not know. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and make themselves known in the class by talking to the individuals they do not know. Just go up and start conversation and try and relate what they like or what they are saying to personal experiences to make a connection or a bond. Perfecting this trait is a sure way to start the road to popularity.
Personality is a trait everyone has, but what kind of personality is the key. A certain personality is needed to be popular, a personality that isn’t like everyone and yet bonds with everyone else’s personality. A good quality is to be open to other people’s ideas. Don’t be narrow minded and dislike what certain people say because that will shoot he/she on the wrong path and away from making friends and being popular. Be open and listen to what people are saying comment on what they are saying and give some input of what he/she thinks too. Humor is a big part with having a good personality. He/she needs to be able to laugh and have a good time. Also being funny is an amazing trait to have. Funny people always get the center of attention and are always remembered more than others. Follow this trait and he/she will be one step closer to being popular....

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