Supervisory Roles and Theories of Motivation Paper

Supervisory Roles and Theories of Motivation Paper

Angry Couple
I am a genious
May 31, 2015
Smart Teacher
Angry Couple
The “Angry Couple” video depicts a therapeutic session concerning a couple who appear to be having anger and communication problems, therefore; requesting counseling assistance. Before the therapy session begins, Dr. Susan Heitler arranges the room for symmetry and interaction. She then begins the therapeutic session by asking a few intake interview questions to better assist the couple in the counseling process.
Eye Contact
When the counseling session began, the counselor Susan Heitler used and maintained appropriate eye contact throughout the entire interview (Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann, & Ivey, 2011, p. 26). She was successful because she engaged in the conversation at all times and suggested attention to the couple’s messages. In my opinion, Susan was extensively engaged in the couples attending behavior. She constantly leaned into the couple and made eye contact while she and the couple were communicating, which indicated that she was interested in the couple while also showing respect to both clients.
Body Posture
In my opinion in regards to the body posture of Dr. Heitler, she displayed great body posture that made her seem very attentive and relaxed. Proper posture during an interview puts clients at ease. Appropriate posture, understanding facial expressions and gestures, indicates that the interviewer is interested in what the client(s) have to say (Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann, & Ivey, 2011, p. 29).
Open-Ended Question 1
During the session, Susan asked both Judith and Richard to “elaborate on their previous therapy experiences” (Schein, 1995), which helped the couple to talk more freely about their feelings while alerting the counselor about future potential problems. In my opinion, this was a great question to ask because it gives Dr. Heitler an idea why the couple did not succeed with previous therapy sessions. Open-ended questions are great because they...

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