Based on the drafts that have come in so far, I need to highlight the following issues:
1. Please have only one main point in each paragraph. Everything that is stated in the paragraph must contribute to your discussion of that ONE main point. For example, in a paragraph on the freedom of movement, if you bring in ground rules and respect for others, you need to show how such respect will lead to more orderly movements in an environment that supports the freedom to move.
2. With every point that you make, you must clarify its link to the esay title. Do not expect the reader to make these links. For example, if you write: Directed behavior is critical for obedience, you must show how directed behaviour involves consciousness, requires self control and the exercise of the will. General statements add little to your discussion. Please make sure that every point raised can be discussed in terms of the essay topic - will, discipline and obedience. If you cannot make the link, reconsider the inclusion of this point.
3. Please make sure that you are not “text dependent”. Anything that is not in your own words must be placed within quotation marks, and the source of the quote must be given. Quotes may be single words, phrases or sentences. It is suggested that you work your quotes into your sentences, rather than to load in lines from your readings.
4. The difference between a quotation and a reference. Quotation: words of someone else is used and indicated using quotation marks. Page details are given. Reference: ideas of someone else is used, and expressed in your own words. Source must be acknowledged, but page information is not required.
5. Please bring in examples to support your points.
6. Please make sure that you have enough points to show your understanding of discipline, obedience and their connection to the will.
Do use this assignment to reflect on your readings of the Montessori texts. This essay is nothing more than an expression of your...