

Part A.


1. Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud that make it simple and cost-effective to efficiently analyze all your data using your existing BI tools. It uses SQL-based tools for performing queries and launching Redshift cluster quite easy which ranges from few hundreds of gigabyte to petabyte or more.

Amazon Redshift by default creates a database after creation of a cluster. Initial step is to create data warehouse to launch set of compute nodes which is called as Amazon Redshift cluster and this cluster is managed by Amazon Redshift Management


Layers of Cloud – IaaS, Paas and SaaS: A Survey International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 06/2014; Vol. 5 (3)(2014):4477 – 4480

Overview of Amazon Web Service January 2014 http://www.fronde.com/assets/Datasheets/AWS-Overview.pdf

2. Company must have a Database management system that has been release to market for approximately one year, they must have generated revenue from at least 10 verifiable and distinct organization. Vendor must provide support for the data warehouse and data management for analytics product. Product that exclusively support an integrated from-end tool cannot be reads only from the paired date management system.

3. End-user organizations in 2014 and beyond require data warehouse platforms that are capable of managing and processing data internal to their native repositories in combination with external data sources (including data external to their organization). The result is the emergence of a new demand in the market for DMSAs with features and functionality that represent a significant augmentation to the existing enterprise data warehouse strategy. The data warehouse market now includes management of all types of data for analytics under an integrated approach. Data warehouse managers, solution architects for analytics and CIOs establishing IT...

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