The Brain

The Brain

Psychology Review
Max Wertheimer (1880-1943) ● 1912 Phi Phenomenon- showed that a series of flashing lights are perceived as one, if flashed ●
● quickly. Proves: movement exists where it is PERCEIVED (cannot be reduced to individual parts) Application: -movies -neon light signs

The Brain
● ● ● ● Neurotransmitters- the nervous system in the brain that channel information through the brain and to different parts of the body There are billions of these in your brain Neural connections can change depending on experience, development, habits, and also damage done to the brain. You can grow and evolve. Lesions: Damages to the brain via trauma, birth defects, drugs, medical procedures etc. Right Brain: -Uses feelings -Imagination rules -Present and future -Philosophy and religion -Believes -Appreciates -Special perceptions

Left Brain: ● Uses logic ● Detail oriented ● Words and language ● Present and past ● Math and science ● Can comprehend ● Forms strategies

Social Learning Theory: Internal Locus of Control: ● People believe that reinforcement comes from within ● Apply own values and expectations ● In control of own lives ● Learn independently ● “Check” own behaviour ● Parents are supportive, generous with praise, non-authoritarian External Locus of Control:
● ● ● People believe that reinforcement depends on outside sources Make fewer (or not) attempts at improving own life Wait for others to do something for you

● ● ● ● Albert Bandura (b.1925) Critic of Skinner Developed his own version of Behaviouralism in the 1960’s Thesis: Behaviour doesn’t have to be directly reinforced for it to occur

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Called Social Cognitive Theory Bandura concluded that we can learn from simply observing behaviour Experiment: ○ One group of children saw an adult being violent to an inflatable doll ○ The other group of children saw an adult playing non-violently with the doll ○ The children IMITATED the behaviour that they saw

Sigmund Freud...

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