The Education Is a Right or Privilage

The Education Is a Right or Privilage

Is the education a right or a privilege? In my opinion, education should be a right. Everyone needs to be educated. Education is needed for all kids. Kids need to stay away from bad things. They need to learn something so that they can have a future. I believe that everyone has the right to education. Everyone needs to be able to get into college or to get a job. People need to learn how to read. Reading is important for when people have to read directions or fill out an application. They also need basic math so they can keep track of their money. Education should not be a privilege. Because not everyone would benefit. Some kids have learning disabilities and behavioral problems. These kids would not be able to get into school. Instead they would be causing trouble on the streets. They would be stealing money because they can't work. Without an education there may not be enough people to work. Companies would go out of business without people to work for them. The economy would be wrecked. People would be living in shelters or out on the streets. Only the rich would survive. In addition the government has an obligation to ensure whose all students have access to university offering many options such as student loans, scholarships, etc. As in the Russell’s case who won a scholarship to go to Johns Hopkins College through a competitive test of that way his scholarship helped him cost his college career.

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