The Renaissance 4

The Renaissance 4

The Renaissance, which originated in Italy, was the rebirthing of a continent and its civilization. Spinning out of the medieval period, the Renaissance laid down a foundation that opened up different innovations towards a more modernized society. The Renaissance can sometimes be referred to as a “golden age” of Europe because it served as a time in history where there were major advancements in religion, education, technology, architecture, economics, agriculture, and art. The society during this time was at an all time peak with this period being very intellectually, socially, and artistically influenced. The pioneers of this time were always thinking of new ideas and issues to handle to try and become more aware of what the future would hold. Our society today, here in America, is still using some concepts and religious practices that were formed and catalyzed during this amazing era.
Art played a major role during the Renaissance. Though this period was a movement for the people it also served as a major time for artists. Linear perspective, studying light, shadow and human anatomy all developed during the Renaissance era. The art painting, Agony in the Garden by Andrea Mantegna, was very popular during the Renaissance. This piece was duplicated and emulated a number of times. It depicts the resurrection and persecution of our Christ. As the disciples of Jesus are sleeping, Judas and his team of Jews are racing down the road to punish our Jesus. While the Jews march down, Jesus pray upon the Angel’s that he is saved because he knows that death may lie ahead. He is asking to be accepted into the Heavens. The scrawny tree indicates a sign of death, and the pelican and new growth of weeds by the sleeping disciples symbolizes a new era or event of practice. The buildings in the background are duplications of strong Roman architecture at the time this painting was created. A lot of paintings, sculptures, and architecture created during the Renaissance were...

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