The Serious Problem All over the World

The Serious Problem All over the World

Air pollution is the material, whether chemicals, particulates, or biological materials, that is introduced into the atmosphere by humans or human products. This includes smog, CFCs, acid rain, and indoor air pollutants. Air pollution is always a bad thing, there are no positives having to do with air pollution. Pollution is quickly becoming a serious problem all over the world, in the air, the water, the soil, and many other ways. As humans, we are responsible for the damage we do, and if we do not find a way to either tremendously curb or clear the world we live on, we will not have our natural resources for very long. Most people think that air pollution is a problem that only tree-huggers or environmentalists worry about, but the sad fact is it is a reality that we all have to face. We cause more problems every day than we come up with solutions for in ten years. Drastic measures may be required from our children and grandchildren if we do not begin to make some serious headway in the air pollution problem. Scientists and researchers generally measure air pollution by two methods. The first method is measuring the maximum amount of any given pollutant that can be in our atmosphere at all times. By this method, scientists and researchers can determine how the air pollution will affect both the ecosystems on Earth and life in general. The second method of measuring air pollution has to do with how the pollution levels will affect day-to-day life on Earth. Many news stations and newspapers publish daily or weekly reports showing the level of outdoor pollutants (such as those affecting outdoor activities), and warn the public accordingly.

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