The Tall Man

The Tall Man

The Tall Man

The movie began in a small mining town that was slowly dying. The town’s children began to go missing one by one. Everyone in town began to panic and worry that their child could be next. The police searched all over the place but no trace of any of the missing children could be found.
The movie focused on a woman who was a nurse in the small town. She tried her best to help her town’s people. She lost her husband and had a male child to care for. Her child gets kidnapped and she went to find him. A police officer found her stranded and unconscious in the middle of a dark rode. He took her to a diner where she soon discovered that the town knew about her missing child and where he was. She found him in an abandon factory with the woman who took him. A young girl helped her escape with her child and gave him to someone who took him away. The young girl gets taken away as well while the woman stayed in the town in took the blame for killing children that wasn’t dead to protect her husband who was The Tall Man.
The movie was not based on a true story but was more of a psychological thriller. The town’s people were unaware that the woman had a son in her house which was not her child. The child belonged to the women who kidnapped him back. The woman thought she was saving the children from poverty. She didn’t see what she did wrong or didn’t think it was wrong to take the children away. According to, she was suffering from a case of personality disorder. It is a mental illness that causes a person to have trouble relating to other people. This illness described her perfectly because she didn’t realize how her taking those children away would affect the parents or the town. She just told the police she killed all the children and buried them in the forest where all the tunnels were.
Her husband was a doctor for the town and everyone saw him as a hero but he was the one who took the children. He would take...

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