The Times They Are a-Changing

The Times They Are a-Changing

Imagine sitting at a Cleveland Browns game. Every seat is filled and you cannot speak to anyone around you. Everyone speaks a different language or is a different ethnicity than you. You do not know how to react. This is where the country is going. Students of today need to be able to communicate and have knowledge about other cultures. This will enable students to succeed in the rest of their lives.
The Census Bureau has projected that by the year 2100, the United States of America minority population will become the majority with non-Hispanic whites making up only forty percent of the population. That’s a scary thought considering that only twenty-two percent of non-Hispanic Americans speaks a second language. However, this can be changed. By teaching students about other cultures and language, teachers can open students’ minds about all different kinds of ideas.
Teaching in a diverse school will not only open students’ minds but, it will also help them in the job market. With the increase in ethnicity in America, students entering the workforce need to be able to work with people of other races. This will help them to succeed majorly because the workers will be able to work with other people of different color.
The main and final reason teaching in and about cultural diversity is important is because racism needs to end. It is astounding to me that the Klu Flux Clan still exists. It is even more astounding to me that people still say, I can’t believe we have a black president. The worst part about it is that those parents who are still racist are teaching their children these ideologies. We have already come leaps on bounds from where the nation was in the 1960s with racism; however, people for some reason are still racist. So many international issues start because one side is being racist towards another. Libya, Darfur, South Africa, World-War II the list could go on forever. But my biggest concern is the kids who learn these ideals from their...

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