The Way It Is

The Way It Is

Matthew Moraga
Mrs. Aragon
English 2, PD6
March 13, 2008


Being an aggressive person is not always the best way to interact with other people and make friends. In the story Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand, the main character Cyrano is portrayed as an aggressive person by forcing the character Montfleury of the stage of a play during his act: “Fly goose! Shoo! Take to your wings, / before I pluck your plumes, and draw your gorge!” (21). This shows that Cyrano is an aggressive person because he demonstrates that he does not tolerate those who annoy him. Cyrano hurls threats and insults at his opponent in order to get his desired result. Another incident that would reflect Cyrano’s aggressiveness would be when he challenges other members of the plays audience to fight him: “I offer/ one universal challenge to you all! /…/… to the first man/ that falls ill build a monument!.../ Will all who wish to die please raise their hands” (23). This shows that Cyrano is an aggressive person because after yelling at an actor he tuned on the crowd threatening innocent play-goers to fight. Bullying them and trying to pick a fight. Anybody who acts like that would most likely be considered a very aggressive person. Finally Cyrano could be portrayed as an aggressive person by the way he bullies other citizens for making fun of or even just glimpsing at his oversized nose:
CYRANO. You may go
Or tell me why are you staring at my nose!
THE MEDDLER. (In confusion) No-I-
CYRANO. (Stepping back) Does it astonish you!
THE MEDDLER. (Drawing back) Your grace
Misunderstands my-
CYRANO. Is it long and soft
And dangling like a trunk?
THE MEDDLER. (Same business) I never said-
CYRANO. Or crooked, like an owl’s beak? (28-30).
During this back and forth argument between Cyrano and The Meddler, Cyrano is obviously pestering him to say his nose is big even though the Meddler doesn’t think so or even wants to argue. Cyrano is basically...

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