Uhh love

Uhh love

Desirea Willis
1. Eudora Welty uses symbolism in “A Worn Path” to show that Phoenix is able to survive in life because she has determination and will.
Eudora Welty uses symbolism in “A Worn Path” to show that determination and will enable people to survive in life no matter how difficult the struggle is.
Welty uses a lot of nature symbols in “The Worn Path.” One symbol is the symbol of the hill. She struggles hard to overcome the hill to get medicine for her grandson. She also struggles to get through the bushes that try to slow her down. Another symbol that gets in her way is the river. She calls this creek “the trial.” There are a lot of nature symbols in the story.
Welty uses many nature symbols in the story. “‘Seems like there are chains about my feet every time I get this far,’” she said, in the voice of argument old people keep to use with themselves. “‘Something always take a hold of me on this hill—pleads I should stay.’” She also gets stopped by a bush. “But before she got to the bottom of the hill a bush caught her dress.” The last thing she runs into is the creek. “’Now comes the trial,’ Phoenix said.” There are many nature symbols in the story.
Welty uses many nature symbols to help illustrate Phoenix's strong will and perseverance. These symbols occur at several points in the story and help show how Phoenix struggles against nature to get what she wants—medicine for her grandson. One of the first obstacles she runs into is the hill. Every time she comes to climb the hill, Phoenix says it seems like there are “chains about my feet”. This hill symbolizes the hard life that Phoenix has had to travel in order to get what she wants. She could have just given up when faced with this kind of obstacle, but she keeps on climbing. After she reaches the top, she gives “a full severe look behind where she had come”. The climb was difficult, and she does not appreciate being held back. Immediately after overcoming this obstacle and on her trip down the...

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