The purpose of this research is present data on how to use business research to increase church membership. No church leader wants to watch members fall away from their church or see their attendance numbers drop. Even though this attendance decline seems to be a trend, there are ways to combat it and ways to increase the awareness of and attendance to church services, meeting times and other activities. Research has shown that if in all four areas a church improves, assimilation will likely improve, and improve dramatically. There are four key principles to membership retention and involvement that needs to be applied.
Every pastor and church congregation should be committed to a foundation that practices Evangelism. Pastors and leaders are compelled to bring the Gospel of Salvation through a relationship with our Lord and Savior (Merkel, S. (2013) The question that seems to arise are “As Christians, are we doing what we can in the manner that we should in attracting people to come and join us in worship and fellowship’ or “Are we causing others to turn away or drop out of the church indefinitely. In this paper, an attempt will be made to examine the advantage of business research and how it can help increase the membership and what methods or research can be used to help membership increase. I have noticed a trend that is happening in churches and this has become very disturbing. The decline of attendance percentage is the trend that I’m talking about. In comparison to the number of people who identify the church as their home and the people who are becoming less, attending church service. I believe regular attendance of church service is very important and valuable. It should be followed by anyone who claims to follow Christ. A person who makes the decision to follow Christ needs to attend church regularly. Church is something you do collectively and not individually. When you choose to follow Christ, this is not to be...