What I Believe on Religion/Spirituality

What I Believe on Religion/Spirituality

What I Believe on Religion/Spirituality
This is what I currently, prior to my experience in this class believe about religion and spirituality. When I first started this philosophy class, I wrote a short essay “religion/spirituality how it affects and does not affects my life”. My answer to the questions was that it was hard to put into words my religious and spiritual beliefs. I am religious and spiritual I never thought about how it affects or does not affect my life directly. To be a better person, help others, do your best in this life so I will go to heaven. When we die, we really do not want to think that there is nothing out there.
Now my understanding after the readings in this class on religion and spirituality I am going to discuss how my belief have stayed the same, with the article in Twenty Questions an Introduction to Philosophy “the will to believe”. James talks about the "genuine" choice must meet three criteria, the live or dead hypothesis, forced or avoidable hypothesis and momentous or trivial hypothesis. James provides a justification of faith he shows many ideas on what influences a person’s beliefs of religious faith. In the end in concludes that in certain cases it is not only permissible but also inevitable that your passion, non-rational nature will determine what you will believe.
Live and dead hypothesis, live is a choose that has some emotional appeal to the person who is choosing it. This is an internal and subjective appeal, not a rational or forced appeal. The dead is a choice in which you have no appeal to the person choosing. Live or dead hypothesis makes some appeal, even the smallest, to a person’s belief. I agree with these hypothesis we live our lives according to beliefs that we are given when we are young and our experiences we have are, as we grow older. We manage to find reasons to believe what we want and need to believe. I have come to acknowledge that the belief that god can exist for real or not exist is the...

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