A Book About Power and How Power Corrupts

A Book About Power and How Power Corrupts

Animal Farm
Animal Farm by George Orwell is a book about power and how that power corrupts. A quote by a British statesman once went “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. This quote describes the character Napoleon Perfectly.
There are many times throughout the book that Napoleon uses his power like a dictator. Such as Napoleon chasing snowball off the farm because he had ideas that the other animals liked, when in fact Napoleon actually liked the idea too. Another example is when Napoleon stole the puppies and brainwashed them so the when anyone disagreed with him he would have them attack and kill who ever disagreed. Next, was the changing of the commandments, as Napoleons greed grew he changed the commandments to fit what he liked and when any of the animals began to notice that the commandments were changed he would have them reinterpreted for the animals.
Some more things that Napoleon had done were he made the animals work longer with less food and when any of the animals complained he would have them executed. Next, is when Napoleon tells the animals they don’t want Jones back the animals begin to complain about how bad things on the farm are getting and when this happens Napoleon tells the animals you don’t want to have Jones back things would be much worse when really they are the same. Finally, is when Napoleon executes any animals that disagree with him or he thinks are working for snowball.
This story is about communism and how dictators over use their power so that they can stay in power for as long as they can. As you can see Napoleon over uses his power throughout the story and scares all the animals into thinking that he’s not a bad animal but rather their savior, saving them from all the things that were happening on the farm before he came into power.

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