A Lot Like Love

A Lot Like Love

The thing about love is you never see it coming. I was never really taught how to love or to let myself be loved. Coming from a family where I was nothing more than the middle child, and being from a home broken by divorce, I never felt love toward anyone or anything.
It wasn’t until I arrived in the tenth grade that I can truly say love introduced itself. A girl by the name of Claudia changed my attitude about love. I wasn’t the type to go up to a girl, but something about her made me not want to let the chance pass me by.
As I move forward her I count the seconds, thinking of what I’m going to say. When I finally approach her all I can say is “soo… it’s pretty hot today, huh?” all she could say was “yup.” I guess in a way I came out looking pretty desperate.
Over the next couple of months our friendship grew and my love for her grew as well. Turns out you can’t love someone until you get to know their flaws. True, she had flaws ; yes, she had faults, but in my eyes at that point love was something far greater than any imperfections.
Later I introduced her to a friend by the name of Alex. As my luck had it they hit it off and I guess you can say they become, as she referred to it as “a thing” but how long could it really last was all I was thinking. Could he really love her as much as I did? I thought to myself that no one could ever love anyone as much as I loved her.
After a month of being emotionally corrupted by the sight of her and him together all the time, fate shone a light in my situation. Turns out schools over in a couple of days and he’s moving to Iowa to attend school there next semester. I felt I had just hit it big, in a blink of an eye it all changed for my benefit, or it seemed.
One day she tells me that she might be going to Redondo Beach High for the next semester. It felt like something was moving inside of me, it’s like I wasn’t the same man I used to be. My friends would tell me to move on but I knew that they lived in never...

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